
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tentang Katak


Rebet...!! Rebet!!!
mcm tu kn bunyi katak?? heheh
for several people, mgkin krg rse gli dgn katak kn... tp, exactly, i wanna show some interesting facts
that u all xtaw psal haiwan indah ini...

smua org msti taw yg katak ni sbnarnya adalah trgolong dlm spesis amphibia...
knpa huh?? krg xpna trpiki k??
mgkin psal katak ni dok dlm air kot.. and boley jgk sdut oxygen kt drat...
tp, mreka2 ni dpggil amphibia because they start their frog life cycle as eggs
in the water and akan berubah mnjadi berudu...(o:
 brudu ni ad gills yg boleykn dyorg hdup dlm air.. 
But, slagi dyorg x evolve jadi katak, dyorg xley hdup kt darat...
Frogs don’t actually drink water with their mouths, they do it through their skin.
mlalui kaedah ni, kulit mereka akn sntiasa lmbab.. so, xpaya klua kos tok bli ap2 product kcntikan
tok mlmbabkn klit mereka...
katak ni boley dijmpai dismua kontinen dunia kecuali di antartika..
off course r, xkalo ad kt sne, msti ad frog's chill dlm hdangan makan malam..

frog's chill sprti yg sye katakn... hahaha

A group of fish is called a school, tapi a group of frogs is called an army.
agak2 sbab tu la askar2 pkai colour hjau ea??? 
tp xsmua katak hijau.. mcm first katak yg sye tnjuk 2 kn colour biru.. heheh
my feveret colour.... katak ni ad plbagai aneka jnisnya

step dyorng ni ad mcm2 patern, feshen kulit ( dyorg xmen r rmbut... )

how to tell whether the frog is a male or female? the only way to distinguish them is by looking at its ears
the ears boley tgk kt blakang mata katak... 
If the ears are as big as the eyes, then the frog is a boy. 
If the ears are smaller than the frog’s eyes, then the frog is a girl.
hanya katak jantan sje boley wat rebet2..i mean boley croak..
step katak ad bnyi yg trsndri n ad jgk yg xley bnyi lgsng..
ad yg boley siol and bnyi mcm brung( chirp like a bird...)
A frog won’t turn into a prince, no matter how many times you kiss him!
tq for reading... plez give some comment