
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Being close to CREATOR

Wow!!!! it has been a long time since I got myself sky high up in the sky.
I went for umrah with a number of people last week and it was fun. It was always a dream come true to land my feet on the holy land of madinnah, makkah.
I also went Jordan OTW!! I found that this country is very interesting :
·       You don’t sweat no matter how much sun power strikes you.
·       Just love the breeze-You’ll not feel hot at all~~miss it~~

I had the most wonderful time there. The first excitement was getting on board the plane!! I got an unusual feeling as just the plane was gonna take off.
I’m fear of flying!!!
Not that much of a fright. It happened when you experience something new and far from ground.
I went to The Dead Sea. Sounds scary!! It is really salty-I’d taste it once. Believe me, you’ll float regardless weight.  

See that, no DIVING, backstroke only.HAHA!!
 I dived and hurt my eyes.

Ever heard about the as-habulkahfi? We went there to see the cave that hidden the tale of a group of young believers who resisted the pressure from their people to worship others beside God, and took refuge in a cave, following which they fell asleep for a long time. True story!!! 

 The food was very stunning. Whatever restaurant you go, you’ll find that they served nasi beriani as their main course. Besides, these people are bread lover. Yum-yum!! Very mouth watering.

This was during our stayed at Madinnah and Makkah. It was a delightful moment back then-Being close to our creator. Not much to tell, just had a great time there.

                                                ~me and baitullah as the background ~

                                                                       ~ at Uhud~

                                                ~all of us after a tired day at Dead Sea~
                                                              ~first time at Maddina~
                                                       ~Date merchandise store~

                                                          ~Salahuddin Ayubi's castle~

                                  ~hotel's workers at Jordan. they're really tall or I'm shorty??~

~during at Jabbar Rahmah. People  pray to Allah for presenting them a lover-Some pray to                                                                        fill in the three blank.~

~in front of it from Red Sea -Place where Pharaoh and his military were overwhelmed by Allah.~

Alhamdulillah, I manage to finished umrah. I wish all of my friends could reach these holy land and being invited as a guest of Allah soon.